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Social Media Projects

This assignment for my Social Media Strategies class was to create a content strategy plan for an assigned brand. In this project, we identified a target audience and a social media channel we wanted to use to reach that target audience. We created a S.M.A.R.T. objective and how we would measure if that objective was met. Finally, we created in-depth posts to use to meet our goal.

I was assigned to create a branding strategy to help develop my personal brand. I chose goals and objectives that aligned with my brand and discussed the tactics in which I would achieve these goals. I chose a few social media channels and discussed the ways I would use them as a part of my brand. 

In my Fundamentals of Media Messages class, we were assigned to create a social media campaign for a brand/organization of our choosing. I chose HerCampus at KSU. We came up with goals and developed specific objectives to help achieve our goals. We evaluated the brands style guide and created a social media content calender and specific media messages based on the style guide.

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